Thursday, September 18, 2008

You cannot upload files that are larger than 28 MB on a Windows Server 2008-based computer that is running Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

In the morning, I was asked to upload a file of 110 MB in our picture/vedio library. When I tried to do it after chainging the maximum file size in Central Administration, I started getting following symptoms:

  • Single File Upload via Document Library -- Nothing happens, you get a 404 page.

  • Multiple File Upload via Document Library -- It seems to upload the file but then after the page refreshes, the file is nowhere to be found.

  • Single or Multiple File Upload/Copy/Paste using open with Windows Explorer -- The file begins uploading but then towards the end you get the following error:
    Could not find this item
    This is no longer located in C:\filepath. Verify the item’s location and try again.

To resolve the above error, go to web.config of your web application and add following tags at the end of web.config:




<requestlimits maxallowedcontentlength="file size in bytes">




Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Errors after installing Infrastructure update for MOSS 2007

During last month, I applied Infrastructure udate of SharePoint 2007 in my development envrionment and everything was working like a charm. So I decided to apply the same fix in my production environment this week.

Here I will like to mention one thing. I started this project as migration one where we were supposed to migrate MOSS 2007 + Windows 2003 environment to MOSS 2007 SP1 + Windows 2008 environment. So it was basically a restored farm.

After applying the Infrastructure upgrade, I started facing the issues:

"The resource object with key 'S2SearchAdminDashboard_Title' was not found" for Search Administration site


"The resource object with key 'S2LeftNav_Administration' was not found" for other search links.

After searching a while on Google, I was able to find the solution. Solution is quite simple. Sort all files within App_GlobalResources folder based on the date in the development environment where everything was working fine. Copy files which were modified on 3/25/2008. These will be the most new ones. Copy them over to the SSP virtual directory of your troubling farm within the same App_GlobalResources folder. These files are:

and sps.resx

Then if you will try, you will get the following error:

Could not find the sitemap node with URL '/SearchAdministration.aspx'.

Now this time, copy layouts.sitemap file which will be the most latest modified file within _app_bin folder from the development environment to production environment. As soon as that was copied over, the search administration page appeared fine.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Talking about Develop on SharePoint webcast series


Develop on SharePoint webcast series

In this 10-part series, you will receive practical technical information from Robert Bogue and Andrew Connell, Microsoft SharePoint Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs), covering 10 fundamental developer topics on SharePoint Products and Technologies via Live Meeting Webcast.

20-May-08 ... Introduction to SharePoint for .NET Developers: Web Parts. Register
21-May-08 ... Introduction to SharePoint for .NET Developers: Data Lists. Register
27-May-08 ... Introduction to SharePoint for .NET Developers: Silverlight and SharePoint. Register
28-May-08 ... Introduction to SharePoint for .NET Developers: Using Event Handlers. Register
03-Jun-08 ... Introduction to SharePoint for .NET Developers: Page Branding. Register
04-Jun-08 ... Introduction to SharePoint for .NET Developers: Workflows. Register
10-Jun-08 ... Introduction to SharePoint for .NET Developers: Web Services. Register
11-Jun-08 ... Introduction to SharePoint for .NET Developers: Page Navigation. Register
17-Jun-08 ... Introduction to SharePoint for .NET Developers: User Management. Register
18-Jun-08 ... Introduction to SharePoint for .NET Developers: Custom Content Types. Register

Creating MOSS 2007 Theme

  1. On the SharePoint server go to the Themes folder e.g. c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\Themes
  2. Make a copy one of the existing theme folders and its contents rename it e.g. MyTheme.
  3. Rename the .INF file within the MyTheme folder to MyTheme.INF
  4. Edit MyTheme.INF.

    1. At the info section, Change the title, to MyTheme. Change codepage, e.g 22200, replacing the code page will fixing error “A theme with the name “MyTheme 1011″ and version already exists on the server.”
    2. In the titles section, rename the names to your new name. this section is to present the name in the different language.

  5. Provide an image to give a preview of your theme. This image should be placed in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\IMAGES. E.g. tmbMyTheme.gif
  6. Modify the c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\Layouts\1033\SPTHEMES.xml to include a reference to the new MyTheme theme

    <DisplayName> MyTheme </DisplayName>
    <Description> MyTheme has a white background with blue control areas and orange highlights.</Description>
    <Preview>images/ tmbMyTheme.gif</Preview>

  7. Modify the CSS within MyTheme folder to personalize your theme.
  8. Run iisreset from the command prompt
  9. Apply the new theme to a “test site”,.

Impersonation in SharePoint 2007 OM

Whenever you are developing anything for SharePoint 2007 and that piece of code needs to perform some admin tasks which are not possible with the current user context, you are left with no other option but to impersonate.

Impersonation within SharePoint 2003 was not so easy. Although you can find the helper class easily on Internet but still you need to add that class to your solution and perform few calls which sometimes becomes quite irritating. It was a common issue with SharePoint 2003.

Thankfully, that issue has been addressed in SharePoint 2007 and now we have impersonation as part of SharePoint OM. It is as easy as calling a delegate. If you are familier with anonymous methods, you can get the idea from the following piece of code that how easy it is to elevate user's rights within SharePoint 2007.

SPWeb web = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPUser user = web.CurrentUser;

// the calling user

// Uses the SHAREPOINT\system creds with the SPUser's identity reference of user SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() {

web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPList theList = web.Lists[listName];
SPListItem record = theList.Items.Add();
record["User"] = user;
// calling user
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
